3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

The relationship between brothers and sisters, who are about four years of age, has been called a “first marriage,” since they are each other’s first peer relationship.  During this time, they learn (or don’t learn) to start, resolve, and avoid fights; to compete, save face, negotiate, cooperate; to go back and forth between loving and fighting; to know when to exert power and when to withdraw or rely on other skills such as humor, manipulation, blackmail, tattling, bartering, silence. 

Our clients bring these learned (or not learned) skills from childhood to their adult lives, transferring them onto their love and work relationships.   Three core issues explain this: frozen images, crystallized roles, and unhealthy loyalty.  Further, old unresolved childhood issues sometimes lead to behavioral problems that have an unconscious “message” to siblings.  This workshop will professionals recognize and determine ideas for how to incorporate these hidden resources in their treatment of individuals and couples.

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