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Webinar Description


 Difficulties, Complications and Resistance: The Artful Science of Treating OCD

7 Hour Webinar!

On Recording


Dr. Jonathan Grayson, author of “Freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” will discuss OCD treatment issues and their solutions. This will include: treatment readiness preparation for clients with different OCD presentations; when and how to modify treatment for co-morbid issues; motivating clients and much more!

Designing a treatment of exposure and response prevention ERP is relatively simple, but obtaining compliance is an art. For many suffering from OCD, complying with treatment feels impossible and unatainable. Far too often, professionals have focused on the ‘resistance' to ERP and the client drop-out rate as reasons to try a different and less effective treatment. Although, such resistance exists, far too often other factors impede treatment compliance including:

1. Failure to obtain compliance to treatment/poor treatment preparation;
2. Failure to properly identify the feared consequences of exposure, and;
3. Issues of denial/acceptance and merged problems (when the feared consequences of co-morbid OCD and non-OCD problems make simultaneous treatment necessary).

In this workshop, the Dr. Grayson will discuss the above treatment issues and their solutions. This will include: treatment readiness preparation for clients with different OCD presentations; when and how to modify treatment for co-morbid issues; motivating clients and incorporating acceptance and commitment (ACT) themes into an exposure and response prevention program without compromising the treatment protocol; and the use of scripts to create an immersive treatment environment.

Jonathan Grayson, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist, director of the Grayson LA Treatment Center for Anxiety & OCD and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at USC.  Dr. Grayson, a nationally recognized expert and author of Freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, has been specializing in OCD for over 40 years. In 2010, the IOCDF awarded Dr. Grayson the Patty Perkins Lifetime Achievement Award for his  contributions to OCD treatment. His work/expertise has been featured on, People Magazine, The Oprah Winfrey Show. He serves on the IOCDF Scientific Advisory Board. In 1981, he started, GOAL,  the first US OCD support group.

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