3 CE Credits



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Sleep problems can wreak havoc on anyone’s life, especially a child’s. According to the American Family Physician, up to 50% of children are affected by sleep disorders or difficulties. Sleep disturbance may directly influence social, emotional, academic and behavioral functioning in children and adolescents (Owens, Chervin, & Hoppin, 2019).

Play therapy can be effective in addressing this challenge. While this approach is not the sole treatment for childhood sleep problems, we might improve the therapeutic outcomes by including play therapy interventions in the treatment planning process.

The language of play can foster communication with children, allow clinicians to immerse themselves in the child’s world, and help therapists build rapport with their clients. Play Therapy can allow us to better understand the child’s perceptions of their relationship to sleep. Play serves as the therapeutic vehicle, allowing them to communicate or describe their struggles to the therapist. This, in turn, affords the clinician a glimpse into the child’s inner world as well as an opportunity to gain insight into the nighttime challenges and issues, along with strategies for restoring restful sleep.  

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