2 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

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Implicit bias , by definition, is not something that is explicitly acknowledged. However, it affects judgment and health care on an unconscious level. This new class will identify social and systemic ramifications of implicit bias , including clinical and ethical implications and its impact on healthcare, the workplace, school settings and related systems. This workshop focuses on implicit biases and how bias can contribute to unconscious attitudes and stereotypes. The goal of the class is to have dialogue about where implicit bias comes from, how it can affect clinical treatment and how can learn to correct for its effects.


Presenter Shane King, LCSW, will define implicit bias, and discuss the roots of implicit bias in our everyday life. We will examine the Continuum of Cultural Competency and the importance of cultural sensitivity. Mr. King is a believer that all growth starts at the end of your comfort zone. This training will present tools and strategies to bring implicit biases into conscious awareness so that participants can learn to change habits and practices that are affected by implicit bias.

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