6 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

6 hours, 6 CEs

10:00 AM - 4:45 PM EST

This workshop is for those who attended the live broadcast only.

An All Day Webinar!

How do we supervise a staff member impacted by a traumatic client situation such as abuse or violence? How can we mobilize staff to provide support to each other? What are the essential skills of communication for leadership? Dr. Lawrence Schulman, MSW, Ed.D, member of the Advisory board for the Yale Medical School Program on Supervision and winner of the CSWE “Significant Lifetime Achievement in Social Work Education” award will teach this full day workshop on excellence in supervision! Earn 6 CE Credits.


          The focus of this presentation will be on method - what the supervisor does in interaction with staff. Essential skills in communication, relationship, and group leadership will be described and illustrated. A special emphasis on clinical supervision of practice and the impact of trauma on practitioners and supervisors will be included. The concept of “parallel process” will be used to describe how supervisors teach clinical skills through the way they supervise their staff.

          The Interactional Model of Practice and Supervision will be presented against the backdrop of time – the Preliminary, Beginning and Middle (Work) phases. The impact of inter and intra-cultural factors as they effect direct practice and supervision will be discussed.

          Dealing with the impact of traumatic events. May include the impact of stress (for example, the difficult nature of cases involving issues such as sexual abuse and family violence); trauma (for example, the death of a client or a physical attack on a practitioner). Supervisors will be helped to identify ways they can mobilize staff to provide support to each other. Processes such as flight/flight, using macabre humor, and hyper-activity will be described as mal-adaptive means for coping.

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