2 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

Life doesn’t always go as planned. 2020 definitely showed us that! But when we are clear about who we are and what we want—and we have a framework to guide us, we can always find our way.

That’s what a vision board can do. It’s a strategic visual roadmap that clearly outlines the vision you have for yourself and your life—what do you want, who do you want to become, and what exactly do you need to get there. It's an integrated, strengths based approach to creating change. 

In this class we will learn how to use a vision board with our clients. We will learn how a vision board can be used to teach people how to build the foundation of their life based on what’s most important to them and we can help them achieve their most important goals.

(Trainer: Emily Capuria, LISW-S, CHHC is author of the book Happiness Happens and founder of Balance & Thrive—a business that offers an integrated approach to eliminating stress, improving overall well-being, achieving goals and living a happy, fulfilling life. Emily has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Kentucky and a Master’s degree in Social Work from Cleveland State University. She is also a certified holistic health coach.)

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