3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

In part one, the instructor will ask participants to apply their own experiences to generate a personal framework for building an understanding of implicit bias.  Part one will begin with determining a common definition of implicit bias and then move toward evaluation of how our individual socialization creates the neural underpinnings of implicit bias.  Our conversation will move towards understanding the neurobiological processes of implicit bias with the goal of creating a working model of brain processes.  This model can be used as a guide to aid in articulating how differential brain function can ultimately generate an opinion/strong feeling about an individual or group of people without conscious recognition of the cognitive process. 


Part two will build upon the understanding of implicit bias and begin to connect how implicit biases inform racism and transgenerational trauma.  To understand how systemic racism can result in transgenerational trauma, one must have an awareness of the neurobiology of threat detection and stress physiology.  An overview of the threat detection systems and stress physiology will be provided and used as a framework to provide insight how it feels to experience racism or discrimination.  With an understanding of the bodily senses that are associated with being the target of racism or discrimination, the conversation will focus on US history to provide a perspective of how systemic racism in the US continues to give rise to transgenerational trauma for Black Americans.  Given current events in the US, this discussion will focus on issues of Black Americans, however principles of implicit bias, threat detection and stress response are data of human physiology and neurobiology.  Therefore, these principles can be applied to any human of any marginalized identity, hopefully helping us all have a little more awareness of our own body processes and reactions thereby giving a choice about what we do next…

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