2 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

Everyone has racial biases either conscious or unconscious, whether individuals act on them explicitly or not. It is critical as social workers to uphold ethical duties by collectively acknowledging and challenging implicit biases within micro, mezzo and macro social work and intentionally exercising mindful practices promoting equality and social justice.

This workshop will explore implicit biases, microaggressions and unconscious stereotypes in order to highlight the impact that such practices have on the social worker and client relationship. It is of special interest to helping professionals to challenge Western cultural practices of racism, oppression and injustice influencing the profession so as to not cause further damage by way of retraumatization and revictimization of vulnerable and marginalized clients and client systems.

 (Trainers: Aaliyah Nurideen, LSW is a licensed psychiatric social worker, community mental health therapist, advocate, writer and speaker. Through her professional experience -- working directly with children, adolescents and adults diagnosed with mental illness -- she finds impactful purpose in providing: interventions, strategies and techniques that support healing individuals to become the best versions of themselves. Aaliyah is dedicated to amplifying the voices of those who are marginalized and silenced by creating avenues for dialogue.


Latifah Green, BS is a seasoned Senior Care Manager for youth with mental and behavioral health needs and is currently in pursuit of an MSW degree. Latifah is a forward-thinker and an activist for social justice. She passionately pushes for equity for oppressed groups. Latifah is a change-agent and firm believer in the anti-racism movement therefore she currently co-facilitates monthly discussions regarding community organizing and systemic racism.)

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