2 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

On the spot resiliency skills are based on the principles and skills of DBT, CBT, and additional stress management techniques. This class presents some of the most effective and quick skills for helping our clients improve resiliency.

These skills are designed for ease of use and can be adapted to a variety of settings. They are designed to be easy to use "on the spot" and are presented in a toolbox format to aid in our building and strengthening our resiliency. Participants will examine a program has been particularly beneficial when utilized in the workplace as part of an overall wellness program.  This is a skill-based program that is designed to be effective in improving a person's ability to deal with stressors and daily struggles.


(Trainer, Denise Quirk Bundick, LCSW - Ms. Bundick is a founding partner of Falls Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy Associates locate in Raleigh, North Carolina. In addition to providing clinical psychotherapy services within the practice, Ms. Bundick also provides Corporate Trainings and workplace consultations to several NC Triangle based companies.)

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