3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description


As parents, professionals, advocates, relatives, and neighbors, we are integral to the fabric of our community, dedicated to embracing and protecting our children. However, when does community intervention become inadequate? At what point does our duty to protect require government involvement? While government agencies are entrusted with public welfare, what happens when trust in their ability to intervene ethically and holistically is lacking? What are our responsibilities as healthcare and mental health professionals in these situations?

This interactive training session invites healthcare and mental health professionals to examine their biases and clarify their obligations to safeguard children, regardless of personal beliefs. Participants will learn to navigate their internal conflicts as mandated reporters, empowering them to act in the best interest of the child while remaining integral to a comprehensive safety plan in alignment with local laws and regulations. Drawing on examples from DC, Maryland, and Virginia, this training will also provide guidance consistent with national standards.

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