3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

Stephen Porges, the researcher and neuroscientist who developed The Polyvagal Theory, has carefully outlined the science of safety, arguing that safety is absolutely central to therapeutic growth and social connection. Reviewing PVT's basic principles, we will learn how to apply them in order to build safety in the therapy room.

But what about our own subtle measurements? How do we each recognize the presence or absence of safety in ourselves and in our clients? Using short, experiential exercises we will examine the way we read our clients and assess the level of safety. We will track the creation and arrival of safety in the present moment.


Attention Maryland Social Workers: This class    does not    meet  requirements for Maryland Social Work Continuing Education.

Please see:   https://health.maryland.gov/bswe/Pages/LearningActivities.aspx  for more information.

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