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Webinar Description

This webinar will review definitions for different types of suicidal and self-harm behavior, provide framework for assessing suicidal risk, including imminent risk; use of chain analysis to develop a safety plan; brief overview of the effective elements of evidence-based treatment for adolescent suicidal behavior.


David Brent, MD is a child and adolescent psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, where is he is Academic Chief of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and holds and Endowed Chair in Suicide Studies. He co-founded and now directs Services for Teens at Risk (STAR), a clinical and outreach program for the treatment and prevention of adolescent suicidal behavior that has overseen the treatment of over 6000 suicidal teens over the past 3 decades. His team’s research has helped to define the standard of care for adolescent depression and suicidal behavior through work on the risk factors and effective treatments for these conditions. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and has been recognized by many professional organizations for his research contributions.

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