3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

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Clients living with substance misuse & addiction often have histories of emotional, physical and/or sexual trauma. The 12 Step groups AA and NA are the most widespread and available peer support groups for addiction recovery, though some language of the 12 Steps may be contraindicated for survivors of trauma.

This training provides an introduction to broadened definitions of trauma with examples throughout the lifespan. We will review the key principles of Trauma Informed Care by SAMHSA. Participants will also explore the relationship between unhealed trauma and the development of substance use disorders through an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES). We will analyze language of the 12 steps through a trauma informed lens, offering alternative language options to promote healing empowerment & prevent re-traumatization; Attendees will come away with resources to refer clients seeking peer support alternatives to the 12 steps.

**This Training is Not Affiliated with AA, NA or any 12 Step program or entity** 

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