3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description




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This continuing education treat will begin with a performance of selected scenes from “THE W.I.T.C.H” by playwright and actress Morgan Breon.

“THE W.I.T.C.H.” shows the joys, pains, and struggles of Ms. Morgan, a newly hired Behavior Specialist at a Detroit public high school. When hope begins to crack open her students’ hearts and minds, Ms. Morgan’s office might just be the most dangerous room in the entire school. Featuring Morgan Breon in a tour de force role as she portrays an array of characters in the public school setting including a behavior specialist, students, teachers and administrators. THE W.I.T.C.H. stands for Wound Intervention Through Care and Healing.

Participants will identify ways in which the themes of: generational trauma, secondary trauma, historical racism, ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), repressed and suppressed trauma and the possibilities of misdiagnoses among black youth come across through performance. Please note, the performance of THE W.I.T.C.H., which depicts the discourse of high school students, contains language that some may find offensive


(Trainer: MORGAN BREON graduated from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor in 2011 (Dual Bachelors in Psychology and English), 2012 (Masters in Social Work) and 2013 (Masters in Education Policy and Leadership. Morgan’s core passion is fostering healing and support for Black youth and young adults. In addition to facilitating youth workshops for over 8 years, Morgan was the Behavior Specialist for the 9th Grade Academy at Denby High School in 2017, and most recently served as the Manager of Behavior and Culture for the Detroit Community Education Commission. In 2017, Morgan decided to incorporate theatre into her “healing work,” and founded Heal.Be.Live., LLC, a for-profit company that uses “art to heal a variety of communities through guided discussion and connections to available resources. #ARTivism.”)

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