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Crisis Management (Suicide Prevention) and Mindfulness
Presenter: Presenter: Elan Javanfard, MA, LMFT
These workshops offer 6 Continuing Education Credits
All webinars in this series are recorded and will not grant live credits.
Full Day Webinar
August 15, 2022 10:00AM - 4:45PM EST
Lunch Break 1:00-1:45PM EST
This Full Day Webinar includes two excellent classes, a total of 6 CE Credits. The cost of the full day is $99.99. You may attend an individual class for $59.99.
To register for the FULL DAY Click "BUY IT NOW". To register for just one class, click on the Class/link below.
If you have any difficulty registering, please contact us here.
Class 1: 10:00AM-1:00PM EST
Under Pressure: Crisis Management (Suicide Prevention)
This course explores a systematic and structured conceptual model for crisis assessment and intervention that facilitates planning for effective brief treatment in outpatient psychiatric clinics, community mental health centers, counseling centers, or crisis intervention settings. Application of Roberts' seven-stage crisis intervention model can facilitate the clinician's effective intervening by emphasizing rapid assessment of the client's problem and resources, collaborating on goal selection and attainment, finding alternative coping methods, developing a working alliance, and building upon the client's strengths. This course clarifies the distinct differences between disaster management and crisis intervention and when each is critically needed. This workshop will address many core skills pertinent to suicide prevention.
Class 2: 1:45PM-4:45PM EST
Mindfulness: Not a Dirty Word
Contemporary culture in the United States is marked by extraordinary advances in science and technology, yet coupled with these advances is an increasing sense of pressure, complexity and information overload. Individuals across the lifespan are feeling tremendous stress, which is contributing to a variety of mental and physical health problems and diseases. Mindfulness has its roots in meditation practices and teaches individuals to become increasingly conscious of their thoughts and feelings through observation of bodily sensations. Recently in Western culture, it has gained a dirty reputation as something only useful for young people or hipsters. In this course we review the effects of mindfulness and how to introduce it to a new population, your clients. Participants will be able to describe at least 3 ways mindfulness can be helpful for people living with mental health challenges. Participants will be able to utilize 2 clinical tools to introduce mindfulness to individuals in mental health recovery. Participants will be able to demonstrate at least one mindfulness exercise.
About the Presenter
Elan Javanfard is a Psychotherapist who specializes in reintegrating the whole self, by utilizing present focused methods of discovery and coping. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education & Psychology.