3 CE Credits



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Webinar Description

The debate regarding the use of therapist self-disclosure in therapy sessions has been a long-standing dilemma for many mental health therapists. With research studies primarily focused on the use of self-disclosure with adult clients, the verdict is still out as to whether self-disclosure is appropriate and when it might be helpful. Limited research is available regarding the use of self-disclosure with child clients, and play therapists are tasked with the ethical decision of whether to engage in self-disclosure, how much and in what context self-disclosure is appropriate and how this might look during a play therapy session with a child.

This training focuses on examining the research that is available, discussing ethical considerations in the use of self-disclosure as well as exploring the types of self-disclosure and the possible reasons for engaging in self-disclosure as a therapeutic tool. The training will focus on the play therapy model of Synergetic Play Therapy,discussing elements of resonance,window of tolerance and co-regulation.During this training, the facilitator will discuss anecdotal case studies pertaining to using self-disclosure - identifying both positive and negative experiences. Interventions and techniques will be discussed as to how to utilize appropriate experiential self-disclosure in the play therapy room.

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