1 CE Credit



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Webinar Description

Course will include overview of incidence and prevalence of the comorbid conditions in young children and will review the literature on empirically supported treatments for each condition in isolation as well as the nuanced assessment and treatment of the comorbid presentation.


Dr. Steven Kurtz is the President of Kurtz Psychology Consulting PC, a NYC-based mental health group serving the emotional and behavioral needs of young children throughout the Metro NY area. They specialize in assessing and treating externalizing behaviors, such as ADHD and oppositionality, as well as severe internalizing behaviors, such as anxiety disorders and selective mutism. Dr. Kurtz is the developer of PCIT-SM, the PCIT adaptation for selective mutism. His team has also done pioneering work in Teacher-Child Interaction Treatment (TCIT) – bringing behavioral coaching for teachers to a new level of effectiveness. He is one of only 24 master trainers in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy(PCIT), and a dedicated advocate for children with special needs. An expert commentator, he has appeared on numerous programs addressing child mental health, including NBC’s Today, CBS’s The Early Show and PBS’s Keeping Kids Healthy. Dr. Kurtz’s Brave Buddies program for SM was also featured on ABC’s Nightline. Brave Buddies has been formally replicated in six cities in three countries. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology where he serves as an examiner as well. His research is published in refereed journals and he volunteers as an ad hoc reviewer.

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