The Four Modules of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: 12 Week (12 CE) Workshop
  12 Hours, 0 Minutes   
Previously Recorded
   Dr. Yosef Posy
12 CE Credits
See Provider Info

Webinar Description

The Four Modules of Dialectical Behavior Therapy

This is a 12 session, 12 hour class.


Classes are all scheduled for Thursday Mornings

April 28 - July 14, 2022

8:30 AM EST - 9:30 AM EST.


The training will discuss the use of validation and dialectics to help move clients towards change. The four modules of DBT: Mindfulness, Distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness will be discussed. Examples from real life situations will be provided. 


Each session is recorded. If you miss any sessions , you can watch them later.  Earn 12 CE Credit.


DBT training course outline

DBT Part 1: History of DBT - Previously Recorded

The development of DBT from its original title of CBT for borderline personality disorder (BPD) will be discussed.

  1. The limitations of CBT in treating borderline personality disorder will be discussed.

  2. The way that DBT addresses the limitations of CBT in treating BPD will be discussed.

        855- 920 what is DBT- 

  1. The use of dialectics as a new way of thinking will be discussed.

  2. The combination of behavioral change skills and humanism will be discussed.

  3.  The use of validation to help move patients towards change will be discussed.  The six ways to validate will be discussed in depth later in the training. 

  4. DBT assumptions. 

The assumptions made in DBT and how they relate to treatment will be discussed. 

  1. Wrap up/ review



DSMV definitions

  1. DSMV definitions for borderline personality disorder will be described.

  2. Other disorders that can be treated with DBT will be discussed. 

  1. Common symptom presentation will be described.

  1. Applications of symptoms in clinical settings will be discussed 

  2. Applications of symptoms in school and other settings will be discussed.

3. BPD risk factors

                855.920 Comorbid disorders 

 The comorbid disorder of Bipolar, Anxiety and other cluster B personality disorder, as well as how to treat these disorders together with BPD will be discussed.


1. Wrap up/ review


1. The use of DBT in the treatment of BPD will be discussed.

2.  The use of DBT in the treatment of oppositional defiant disorder will be discussed

      3.  The use of DBT in the treatment of OCD will be discussed.

      4.  The use of DBT in the treatment of Anxiety will be discussed.

       Explanations of why and how these disorders can be treated with DBT will be discussed 

855-920 DBT limitations

  1. The reasons OCPD is not treated with DBT will be discussed.

  2. The reason some other cluster b personality disorders are not treated with DBT will be discussed.

  3.  The reasons Schizophrenia is not  treated with DBT will be discussed

  4.  The reasons why Autism Spectrum Disorder is not treated with DBT will be discussed.

Explanations   why DBT is not effective for these issues will be provided.

920 -930

1. Wrap up review


          1. The elements of DBT individual sessions will be discussed.            

2. Skills groups, and their incorporation to one on one session, will be discussed.

3.  How to use Phone coaching and the need to discuss boundaries will be discussed.

4.  The Consultation team concept will be described.

 855-920 Validation.

All six validation techniques and how they are used to help move people towards change will be discussed.


Wrap up/ review


  A description of the 3 states of mind in DBT (wise mind, emotional mind, rational mind) will be provided.

The following mindfulness skills will be described:

1. Observe 

2. Describe

3. Participate 

            4. Non judgmentally

    5. One mindfully

            6. Effectively

            A Discussion of how to implement these mindfulness techniques will follow the description.

855- 920 mindfulness practice exercises will be taught

1. The use of music as a mindfulness exercise will be demonstrated.

2. Other mindfulness exercises will be demonstrated 


  1. Wrap up review


DBT Part 6: Emotional Regulation - Previously Recorded

830 -855 Emotional regulation 

      1. Analyzing behavior-The effect of emotional regulation other parts of BDT will be discussed.

      2. A Chain analysis –showing the interplay of vulnerability links, trigger links, and behavior will be demonstrated


855-920 chain analysis continued

  1. Different uses of chain analysis will be demonstrated with case examples.

  2. A brief description of the use of Dairy cards in DBT will be discussed.


1 wrap up review


DBT Part 7: Reduce Vulnerability - Previously Recorded

830-855 the following emotional regulation skills will be discussed.

      1. Please 

      2. Build Mastery

      3. Build positive experience

        Examples of how these can be used in real time sessions will be demonstrated.

855- 920 behavioral skills

  1. The skills of opposite action to emotion will be discussed. The implementation of these skills with different emotions will be demonstrated. 

  2. Various uses of opposite action to emotion with case examples will be demonstrated.


  1. Wrap up/ review


The purpose of Distress tolerance skills will be discussed.

  1. The appropriate timing of these skills will be discussed

Case examples will be provided to help illustrate these skills.

855-920 distress tolerance continued

  1. Suicide prevention skills will be discussed

  2. Self-harm prevention skills will be discussed

DBT Protocols for these skills will be demonstrated. 


  1. Wrap up/ review


DBT Part 9: Distress Tolerance Continued - Thursday, June 23, 2022, 8:30 AM EDT

The Distract skills for distress tolerance will be discussed Specific uses of these skills for specific problems will be discussed.

 855-920 Distress tolerance continued

  1. The skill of Wise mind accepts will be discussed. Followed by a 

Discussion of how to use these skills to decrease distress and stop little problems from becoming big problems. (Arrested for speeding ticket story)


  1. Wrap up/ review


DBT Part 10: Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills - Thursday, June 30, 2022, 8:30 AM EDT

The Purpose of skills- including why they needed and how to get client buy in will be discussed.

  1.  The use of these skills to prevent invalidation will be discussed case examples will be provided.

  2.  The use of these skills to prevent aggression will be discussed .Case examples will be provided.


  1. Methods to connect Interpersonal effectiveness skills and emotional regulation skills will be discussed.

  2.  Methods to connect Interpersonal skills and distress tolerance skills will be discussed.


  1. Wrap up/review


DBT Part 11: Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills Continued - Thursday, July 07, 2022, 8:30 AM EDT

 Skills of objective effectiveness such as Dear Man will be discussed the use of these skills to effectively advocate and to learn to say no will be demonstrated

  1. Relationship effectiveness skills will be discussed. The  use of these skills to build relationships will be discussed

  2. Self-respect effectiveness skills such as Give Fast will be discussed. The use of these skills to enhance self-respect and self-validation will be discussed.


Wrap up review


DBT Part 12: Case Presentations - Thursday, July 14, 2022, 8:30 AM EDT

Case presentation 1/ the case type will be determined by request.


  1. Case presentation 2/ the case type determined by request.

  920/930 wraps up review

Webinars included in this package:

DBT Part 1: History of DBT

DBT Part 2: Diagnostic Criteria for BPD

DBT Part 3: Diagnosis Appropriate for DBT Treatment

DBT Part 4: Components of DBT Treatment

DBT Part 5: Mindfulness & Wise Mind

DBT Part 6: Emotional Regulation

DBT Part 7: Reduce Vulnerability

DBT Part 8: Distress Tolerance Skills

DBT Part 9: Distress Tolerance Continued

DBT Part 10: Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills

DBT Part 11: Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills Continued

DBT Part 12: Case Presentations

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